Based: Amesbury
Experience: Mick took up the Bagpipes in the Boys Brigade in Glasgow at the age of 14. He became the Pipe Major of the RAF Boy Entrants Pipe Band @ RAF St Athan (Jan 64 –Jul 65) and has played with the Royal Air Force Voluntary Pipe Bands over the period 1965 to the present
day – RAF Leuchars (Fife), RAF Honington, RAF Germany (Pipe Sgt), RAF Waddington (Lincs) (Pipe
Sgt), Rhine Area Pipes & Drums (Dusseldorf), RAF Kinloss (Moray), and RAF Lossiemouth (Moray)
(Pipe Sgt).
Although Mick now lives in Amesbury, Wiltshire, he still plays on occasion with RAF Waddington.
His local band is The Southern Jacobites Pipes & Drums who he has played with since Jan 2012.
Mick has played at the Inverness Tattoo, Colchester Tattoo, Edinburgh Military Tattoo (3
times), Royal Military Tattoo (Earls Court 2 times), Malta Tattoo, Malmo Tattoo (Sweden) and other
smaller Tattoo’s. Numerous Parades, Street Marches (lost count of how many) as well as weddings, funerals, birthday parties, Burns Nights, and Hogmanays, etc.